President's June 2020 Report

(posted: June 1, 2020)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Conference Presidents, please share this monthly news with your members to keep everyone connected with what is happening at all levels of the Society. Particular and Central Council Presidents, please share this monthly news with your Vincentian members who may not belong to a Conference.

The June spiritual reflection helps us to reflect on isolation and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Feel free to reach out to should you have questions on spiritual resources.

A spiritual reflection on Hope and Faith shared by the National Spirituality Committee Spiritual-Reflection-May-2020

Our virtual AGM using the Zoom platform will be held Saturday, June 20 starting at 10:00 am. Everyone is invited, however, you must advise should you wish to attend as invitations to join the virtual platform need to be emailed to you in advance. Only those registered will be able to attend. Documents have been shared with voting members:
Minutes of last year’s AGA
Committee reports
Financials for fiscal year ending December 31, 2019
Draft 2020 budget

A one page visual has been created. Please feel free to use as needed to help raise awareness of the Society’s activities in Ontario.

We have seen many people coming together during this unprecedented time of need. Ongoing prayers, having faith and being united in our actions will bring us through this challenging time stronger than before. Please share your good news stories of helping the vulnerable by emailing

Further to earlier communications, please continue to follow all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of our members, staff, volunteers and those who we serve.

SSVP stores are starting to re-open across the province with necessary precautions in place. Store managers have been meeting virtually to review strategies and necessary measures to put in place prior to re-opening. One measure is the installation of sneeze guards. To assist with this cost, ONRC will reimburse stores $100 for each sneeze guard purchased once the invoice has been emailed to

I have heard of several Councils/Conferences applying and receiving funding from their local community through the federal funding allocated to Food Banks Canada. If you applied and received, or will be receiving this funding, after receiving the April 20 communication, please advise If you were rejected, please email and advise on the reason for rejection, as we want to be able to relay this information to Food Banks Canada. If you did not apply for funding, this source of funding is now closed since the federal funds have been fully used.

Applications are now open for the Emergency Community Support Fund to support charities and non-profit organizations serving vulnerable populations as they manage the impacts of COVID-19. The Government of Canada has partnered with Community Foundations of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross, and United Way Centraide Canada to deliver this funding. I encourage you to apply for funding through one of these partners within your local community:

United Way Canada – applications due June 12

Canadian Red Cross – applications due July 7

Community Foundations of Canada – applications due July 27

Summer News shares what is happening this year with North of 60. Please contact should you have questions or wish to support the program in any way.

The National Housing Campaign will be distributing the latest draft version of the action plan for membership review and comments. Regional Presidents will be sharing the action plan with Central and Particular Councils who, in turn, are encouraged to share it with their member conferences. All comments should be submitted to by September 1, 2020. It is very important to hear from our grass roots conference members as success will depend on our local community-based members. Housing and homelessness are issues that affect every community. The launch of the campaign has been moved back to the spring of 2021 due to covid-19.

As you can imagine, the covid-19 pandemic is causing major disruptions in developing countries as it is in Canada. Their economies and public health systems are not robust and cannot adequately help those affected by the virus, particularly the most vulnerable. The activities of the Society in those countries has also been affected. Their resources are fragile in normal circumstances, and now recipient conferences and councils have to do with a lot less resources or none at all, and Vincentians must also take precautions in their service to those in need. National Council Twinning Chair, Clermont Fortin, has been in touch with the National/Superior Presidents of designated twinning countries to Canada asking them to advise their twins that they can seek help from donor twins in Canada to assist them in mission activities during this pandemic.

The May Vincenpaul Canada newsletter shares information involving the twists and turns of the pandemic.

INTERNATIONAL The International President General issues an extraordinary circular letter dedicated to Vincentian Presidents about the covid-19 pandemic

Thank you for your dedication and all the amazing work you continue to do serving our friends in need. Stay safe and healthy.

Feel free to contact or at any time should you have questions.

Linda Dollard

President's Message