Annual Reports

(posted: March 10, 2023)

Annual Reports

It is that time of year when year-end financial and statistical reports are due. We’ve had a great response so far from isolated conferences and particular councils. Thank you for your timely submissions.

For those councils and conferences who are still to complete their annual reports you can find the forms on the National Council website (From the main page,, click on Members, then Forms, then Annual Reports.)

National Council shares the information gathered with the federal government, the International Council General, donors, and to all members of the Society. We know that Society volunteers give hours of their time, in many different ways, serving individuals and families in need. It is important to be knowledgeable of the breadth and depth of this service. The annual reports will also help the National Council to focus on areas of growth, development, special activities, education and support.

Please forward your reports to your next higher council as soon as possible. The complete Ontario Regional Council report to National Council is due March 31, 2023.

Required reports:
Conferences: SECTION A-B1 AND E1
Particular Councils: SECTION A-B2, C-D1 and E2 (Consolidated Reports)
Central Councils: SECTION A-B2, C-D2 and E2 (Consolidated Reports)

Please send the Excel version of your reports to:

President's Message