President's January 2021 Report

(posted: January 1, 2021)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Conference Presidents, please share this monthly news with your members to keep everyone connected with what is happening at all levels of the Society. Particular and Central Council Presidents, please share this monthly news with your Vincentian members who may not belong to a Conference. When you forward the communication, please remove the “Unsubscribe” button at the end; if someone you forward the message to hits “Unsubscribe” your name will be removed from our database and you will not receive future communications.

The January spiritual reflection reflects on the Year of St. Joseph, an ordinary worker responding to God’s call with the courage of his faith. Please reach out to for resources or questions on spirituality.

A reminder about the upcoming deadline of January 30, 2021 for Ontario Regional Council Board member nominations. Review the mandate and send your nominations to by the deadline date. Election of the new Board members will take place at the April AGA.

The responsibility to nominate potential Board members for Ontario Regional Council lies with all Vincentians across Ontario.

The 2020 Annual Report forms can be found on the National Council website.
Français: formulaires rapport annuel
Annual reports due to Ontario Regional Council should be submitted to

Please forward your report to your next higher council by the required deadline as noted below:
Conferences: SECTION A-B1 and E1 - Before January 30
Particular Councils: SECTION A-B2, C-D1 and E2 (Consolidated Report) - Before February 20
Central Councils: SECTION A-B2, C-D2 and E2 (Consolidated Reports) - Before March 10

Please remember to ask for financial assistance from your next higher level should you need financial help to continue serving people in need.

Please review the January 2021 letter regarding 2021 pass up contributions.

St. Gabriel’s Conference in Burlington provided an Angel Tree update on the help they provided to families in need and share the steps taken from preparation to delivery. Please share your Christmas stories with to include in a future communication.

Brantford youth in schools help collect food, personal care items and socks: A Mountain of Food

London youth in another On the Street event reaching out to the homeless, while partnering with Clothing Works.

There is one-time financial support for parents with youth in the school system which can be shared with families; note there is a deadline to apply Get Support for Learners |

Christmas message from National Council

December Vincenpaul newsletter can be found here:

Below are reference links to online computer training offered by Amazon, Google and Apple. These courses are either free or inexpensive and allow people who are unemployed or looking for a new professional start to take courses. Students and immigrants/refugees might be interested in this kind of diverse computer training. The Society can help people we serve by offering these programs. A way to give new hope to our friends in need to lift them out of poverty.

Francais: Voici des références à de la formation en informatique en ligne offerte par Amazon, Google et Apple. Ces cours sont soit gratuit ou peu cher et permettent à des gens sans emploi ou se cherchant un nouveau départ professionnel de prendre des cours. Selon ce que j'ai lu , les gradués peuvent se trouver un emploi facilement suite à la certification. Les étudiants et immigrants/réfugiés pourraient être intéressés par ce genre de formation assez diverse en informatique. La Société pourraient aider les personnes que nous servons en luer offrant ces programmes. Un façon de donner un nouvel espoir à nos amis dans le besoin et se sortir de la pauvreté.

Amazon training - Google Search

Amazon to help 29 million people grow their tech skills with free cloud skills training (

Google training courses free - Google Search

Apple training - Google Search
INTERNATIONAL NEWS Ozanam Network digital edition shares information including the Canonization process for Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.

Christmas message from International General Council


The U.S. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul offers webinars on various topics which you may be interested in checking out Frederic's E-Gazette 12-23-2020.pdf (
Thank you to everyone for your dedication, passion and all the amazing work you do serving our friends in need. Wishing you many blessings for 2021 while staying safe and healthy.

Feel free to contact at any time should you have questions.

Linda Dollard, President

President's Message