Dear Brother and Sisters,
Conference Presidents, please share this monthly news with your members to keep everyone connected with what is happening at all levels of the Society. Particular and Central Council Presidents, please share this monthly news with your Vincentian members who may not belong to a Conference, and feel free to email questions or comments to
The September spiritual reflection references the desert and how we, as Vincentians, help lead people out of the desert. Contact should you have questions on spiritual resources.
We look forward to seeing you in Brantford for the September 20/21 meeting. These meetings are open to all members and store managers.
Refer to the Upcoming Events on our website for the agenda, workshop and hotel information. Be sure to complete your registration for the meeting by September 6. It is important that you pre-register selecting your workshops on Saturday and activities you plan to attend on Friday to assist with logistical planning.
You will have an opportunity to meet the new National President, Claude Bedard, who was acclaimed into the role at the recent National AGA meeting.
There is a Social Justice meeting on Friday afternoon from 2:45 – 4:45 pm. Refer to the agenda and interactive exercise for more information.
As mentioned in last month’s communication, a National Housing Campaign Committee has been created. A reminder for anyone who can provide valuable input on this topic, please complete the survey by September 30, 2019. Once these surveys are reviewed, you will hear more information in the fall on what can be done by Councils on this very important issue. Please contact if you have any questions.
The Advocacy Committee heard a presentation from Garth Brown, who promotes the concept of turning unused space in current homes into legal secondary suites. He works with local municipalities in identifying potential tenants that are entitled to rent subsidies to occupy these units, thus creating affordable housing where none previously existed.
Congratulations to Peterborough PC who opened their third SSVP store, Vinnie’s Feel Good Shopping, on August 24.
As you know, the terms for Presidents stated in the Canadian Rule and Statutes are:
- Conference Presidents – 3 years with possible second term of 3 years (6 years maximum)
- Particular Council President – 4 years with possible second term of 2 years (6 years maximum)
- Central Council President – 5 years only and non renewable
It is important that Councils and Conferences have a succession planning in place and adhere to the terms to continue to rejuvenate Conferences and Councils for the good of the Society. Presidents and Executive teams should always be thinking of succession planning to ensure that Conferences and Councils do not become stagnate. We will be reaching out to Presidents whose terms have expired or whose term will be expiring in 2020 to discuss and assist with succession planning. In the meantime, please reach out to should you have any questions.
Pope Francis has declared the Third World Day of the Poor to be November 17, 2019.
Promotional materials have been created by National Council of Canada to be used by Conferences, Councils and SSVP Stores to help raise awareness of the World Day of the Poor Campaign. These
materials are now available.
Konrad shares
his experience attending his first National AGA.
A call was recently organized on
August 10 with International President Renato Lima de Oliveira who answered questions. There is another call taking place October 27 and information will be shared in October on how you can participate in this call.
Sarah Davidson will be reaching out to Presidents starting late September/early October to update our database with new Executive contact information. Please respond to Sarah quickly when you receive her request.
A reminder to ensure
proper screening is done when new members come on board including the Abuse, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention training. If you have not already confirmed with Sarah that you have completed the Abuse, Discrimination and Harassment Prevention training with your existing members, please advise as this is required for the protection of the Society, our members and the people we serve, as well as being an insurance requirement.
New member engagement strategy
Feel free to contact or at any time should you have questions.
Thank you to our 5,000 members across Ontario for all your amazing work reaching out and helping persons in need.
Linda Dollard