The Need for Acts of Mercy in Our Canada

(July 1, 2024)

The Need for Acts of Mercy in Canada

This week I participated in the ANF meetings in Calgary for SSVP. It is a meeting of members of the Society from across Canada. Its purpose is to find ways to better help those in need. We shared information about the work that is happening in all parts of the country to help the poor. We met members from other provinces. We built new friendships and renewed old ones. Time was spent in prayer and we installed in new executive for SSVP Canada.

We shared a meal or two and celebrated our successes. We also looked at all the challenges we have today in helping the poor. The future was looked at and other challenges are just around the corner.

The world today is very different from when Frederic Ozanam our founder formed the society. Poverty in large cities has exploded. Tent encampments are springing up in many cities. The attitude of many is to let the government of the day handle the problems. Many have been conditioned to ignore the poor.

As baptized Catholics, we are called to serve by performing spiritual and corporal acts of mercy. Mercy means helping, forgiving and loving others even when they have not done anything to deserve it. We go on because we hope someday this need will go away.

On this Canada Day, I celebrate our freedom. I celebrate the bounty of this great land. I thank God that there is relative peace among us. Thanks be to God for groups like the St Vincent de Paul Society and others that do what they can to help the poor.
I pray that the new generation, including my grandchildren, will not fall into poverty.
This can be prevented if we continue to be advocates for those in need; for housing, education, work programs and many others.

God keep our land glorious and free

Deacon John Girolami DTS
SSVP Spiritual Advisor ONRC

Spirituality Corner

Monthly Reflections
by Deacon John Girolami,
Spiritual Advisor, ONRC