Event: ONRC Spring Assembly and Annual General Meeting
Dates: April 4th and 5th
Hosted by: Sarnia Lambton Particular Council at Our Lady of Mercy Church
Theme: Serving in Hope thru Humility and Gentleness.
See further

This is an invitation to all Vincentians across Ontario to join us on
Saturday March 22,2025 for our Lenten morning of reflection.
The event runs from 10 am to around noon.
Lent is a time when we are invited to turn our thoughts inward to see how we can improve our relationship with God.
The topic this year is:
Who do you say that I am (Matt 16:15)
It will be a virtual meeting hosted by the SSVP Ontario Spirituality Committee.
This year we will have a guest facilitator. The workshop will be led by
Deacon Joseph F Di Loreto JCL. MDiv. DipSD.
Deacon Joseph is a deacon serving the Hamilton diocese. He serves at St Eugene parish in Hamilton. He is a certified spiritual director. He also serves on the marriage tribunal for the diocese of Hamilton.
Please register for the event by contacting
Dan Smith
Spiritual Advisor
SSVP Hamilton Particular Council
Last date to register is Wednesday March 19, 2025.
I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to spend some time reflecting on the Lord.
Deacon John Girolami DTS
SSVP ONRC Spiritual Advisor
“Help honours when, to the bread that nourishes, it adds the visit that consoles, the advice that enlightens, the friendly shake of the hand that lifts up sinking courage when it treats the poor man with respect, not only as an equal but as a superior, since he is suffering that which we would perhaps not be able to bear ourselves; since he is among us as the messenger of God, sent to put our justice and charity to the test, and to save us by our works.”
(Frédéric Ozanam, from an article in L’Ère nouvelle, October 21, 1848.)
As a Catholic lay organization, we will embrace the world in a
network of charity, serving Christ in the suffering, the poor
and the marginalized, bringing them love and respect, aid and
development, hope and joy, in a more just society.
We also seek to deepen our spirituality and the mutual love and
support amongst members, so that, seeing how we serve those in
need with one mind and heart, people are attracted to the Society
and to Christ who animates it.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization
whose mission is:
To live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with
love, respect, justice and joy.
(Rule and Statutes of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Canada)