Best Practices

(posted: April 27, 2019)

Four best practices were shared that can be replicated in communities:
  1. A Bed for Every Child
    The Bed for Every Child project was conceived to help alleviate some of the ill effects of poverty on children in the Brant/Brantford community. The goal is to provide a new bed to a child in an underprivileged home who would otherwise not have a bed to sleep in. These children are currently sleeping on the floor, carpet, couch, or are sharing a bed with parents and/or several siblings. The living conditions in these homes are personally witnessed by SSVP Brant home visitors, who engage in home visits to determine the extent of the need within these families.
  2. Purse Project
    This group collects items for women in need in our local community. This group asks groups, corporations and individuals to fill new or gently used purses with items such as toothpaste, deodorant, mitts, lip balm and other items. These items are then brought to one of the collection points in the city.
  3. Dental Toolkit
    I would like to share the dental toolkit which we will be using in Halton. Just a bit of background. After our 1st annual Halton Particular Council Vincentian gathering , Serving up Hope, we created a number of cross conference collaborative teams.
    One of the newer teams is the cross conference Social Justice team and we are collectively focusing on dental as a team.
    We have created a toolkit pulling together the lessons learned from the last 6 years of the project and thought I would share it with you.
  4. Diaper Bank
    The SSVP store in Strathroy identified a need within the community that they could extend their outreach of service. They identified families of infant children who could not afford the cost of disposal diapers. Sadly, these families allowed the children to stay in soiled diapers for extended periods of time. The SSVP Strathroy store established a Diaper Bank to assist families struggling to purchase diapers. Additionally, they found the need for adult diapers and added these supplies to their program.
