Developing a heart like Christ’s

(June 1, 2024)

Developing a heart like Christ’s

The Heart is the symbol of human love. The Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, allows us to see God’s eternal love for everyone.

In biblical language, ‘heart’ indicates the centre of the person where his sentiments and intentions dwell, In the Heart of the Redeemer we adore God's love for humanity, His will for universal salvation, His infinite mercy. The Bible portrays the heart as a vital aspect of one's spiritual journey. The heart is described as the seat of emotions, thoughts, and intentions.

When we speak of the heart, it is an exploration of the very essence of what makes us who we are. It examines the motivations behind our actions, the thoughts that guide our decisions, and the emotions that drive us forward. We want our hearts to best like the heart of Jesus. It is a heart that is aligned with God's principles that cultivates virtues such as faith, love, and righteousness. It serves as the core of one's spiritual life, representing the center of affection, devotion, and obedience to God. The heart's role extends beyond intellectual understanding, encompassing an emotional and experiential connection with the divine.

The transformation of the heart lies at the core of the Christian spiritual journey. When we encounter Christ and surrender our lives to Him, the Holy Spirit begins a profound work of transformation within us. Our heart, representing the deepest aspects of our spirit and will, undergoes a renewal process. As we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit, our thoughts, desires, and intentions align with God's will.

Developing a strong spiritual heart involves intentional spiritual practices. Engage in regular prayer, seeking forgiveness, guidance, and transformation from God. Immerse yourself in Scripture to align your thoughts and desires with God's truth. Practice acts of service, cultivate forgiveness and surround yourself with a supportive faith community. This helps our hearts to be like Christ’s.

As Vincentians, we have a mission in the world to proclaim the redeeming love of God in Christ. Our mission, our work, is to proclaim love, salvation, redemption, eternal life. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is precisely the image that expresses our mission. It is the image of the infinite and merciful love which the heavenly Father has poured out upon the world through his Son. The goal of all we do in our ministry should be to lead people to encounter this love. Only this love, the love of the Heart of Christ, can transform the human heart and bring true peace to the world.

Deacon John Girolami DTS
SSVP Spiritual Advisor ONRC

Spirituality Corner

Monthly Reflections
by Deacon John Girolami,
Spiritual Advisor, ONRC